9 Norman Road, Hightown, Wrexham, North Wales, LL13 7BG
About us
We are a group of ordinary people who have individually come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and have a personal relationship with God through Him. We believe the Bible to be the living Word of the living God who sent his Eternal Son to be the Saviour of the world.
When Jesus died on the cross, He took our sins and was punished for them. He died and rose again in accordance with the Scriptures and in keeping with the determinate council and foreknowledge of God. By trusting in Him and the finished work of salvation, our sins have been forgiven and we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We live in the hope of eternal life and the Lords imminent return.
We meet as an assembly as outlined in the New Testament to remember the Lord as He desires, to preach the Gospel and to study the Bible and pray. We welcome like-minded believers to have fellowship with us though we would appreciate a letter of commendation by way of introduction.
We welcome anyone to join us at other times and we are active in outreach work in the local area to this end. Please refer to the Events page for further details of the meetings.